Sunday, August 9, 2009
Where Have You Been!?
I keep forgetting to update here xD it's weird but I do. New Lanshire is on a wee hiatus while I get some posts together and such but for those who are still interested in it, you can find it at There is a section dedicated to NL updates.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
College - Freedom
The college post is rather large, and can be found here -
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Holt 2 - Marriage
It had always crossed his mind to someday move out on his own but still, Owen wasn't sure he ever would. But here he was, living alone in a house. Of course, he didn't move far. He just moved down the street. There was no way he was going to leave his sisters alone. They still needed him. But he did so miss their voices, as well as the sound of Karl's footsteps. Living alone was...lonely. He often called Lorelle and Eumelia to ease his mind. Needless to say, he was shocked to learn Eumelia was an engaged woman. But he was happy for her. She deserved wedding bliss, just like him.
Yes, it wasn't before long that Marylena joined him. He was waiting for the moment where he could live with her. She came over with her belongs to inspect the house. "It's perfect, Owen! The perfect place to begin our family..." And it was. It was a small house, yes, but it left alot of room for building on.
When she moved in, Marylena seemed to be taken over by a change. She let her hair grow slightly and she began wearing make up and more girly clothing. She quit her job, though Owen said she did not have to. The second income would have been welcomed, after all. But she insisted it was her place to take care of the house.
And Owen. He was often left so tired after work. He needed her to help him relax. How he loved coming home after a long day of being in mud and having someone yell at him, just to fall into her arms and listen to her soft voice sing to him. Yeah, he could get used to this.
Their wedding was a big event. They rented out The House of Unity and invited all their friends and family. Unfortunately, the VIPs failed to arrive: Owen's family. Derek Collins said it was odd. He saw Eumelia, Lorelle and Karl outside the church when he came in but didn't see them come in for the wedding. Owen was hurt but he figured they had an emergancy and had to return home.
The honeymoon didn't last long. Money was short after the wedding, so Owen had to go back to work. The house needed alot of improvements and being the only breadwinner, he had to work long hours. He knew Marylena was lonesome but he hoped she understood. He was working this hard for her, for them.
And she did. Marylena did miss his company during the day and hated feeling him leave during the early hours but she knew he had to work hard for them. The least she could do was earn money on the side. She took up painting and writing novels as a way to make a little extra cash. It was a long process but it kept her busy.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Bates - Preperation
Yes, Melitta had a plan indeed. She hadn't told anyone except Tyreek about it. She had dreams of being a successful business woman. Of course, her ultimate dream was becoming a famous athlete but she also wanted to be a resturant owner too. She wanted to bring her own healthy lifestyle to the masses. There was an empty lot currently located a few blocks away that Melitta had her eye on. It was the perfect place for a nice little resturant. But money was short. "After college," Melitta repeated to herself, "After college, I can have it."
The girls were growing up fast and it saddened Orion. So he tried to spend as much time as he could with them. He found it was easier to spend time with Melitta. She was the calmer of the two sisters and shared more in common with him. She was an old soul, as his departed wife had once said. He could spend hours just painting aside her, talking about politics and life in general.
Hersilia was too wild for him to keep up with. One minute, she was on the phone jabbering away to boys and the next, she was jumping on the couch. "Don't you ever get tired?" He asked, exhausted just by looking at her.
"Nope!" She grinned as she continued to bounce. Orion shook his head and moved on.
Melitta was becoming tired of her sister calling her a social reject so she tried her hand at making some new friends. She met a young girl who was passing by and tried to start a friendly conversation. But the girl was somehow put off by Melitta and made it clear she wanted nothing to do with her. Maybe Hersilia was right. Maybe Melitta was a social reject.
It wasn't long before the girls left the house for college. The house was incredibly empty. There was no laughter, no furious typing, nothing. Orion tried to keep himself busy by playing chess, but it only reminded him of the girls, how they'd argue over the chess table.
Orion couldn't stand the lonliness. He needed companionship. So he invited over two of the neighbors, Teresita Loyola and Lorelle Holt. Lorelle's brother had recently moved out and her sister was engaged, so she was going through similar changes. Teresita had lived alone for the longest time, so she knew how he felt. The two women helped take Orion's mind off his granddaughters by instead talking about Murder, She Wrote.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Loyola - Soledad

Despite being pregnant, Teresita didn't slow down much. She still had to take care of the house, after all. There was no way she could hire a maid. Money was tight now that she could not work. So she was left doing the chores in between resting and waiting for her due date. Luckily, she rarely made a mess so there wasn't much to be cleaned. It usually just took a quick wipedown to keep the house from getting too dusty.

The bakery wasn't doing too good but Teresita didn't want to give up on her dream of running a business. So she changed direction. Instead of selling food, she sold knicknacks. The small trinkets were a hit. She got more customers coming in and some even became regulars. Before long, she was able to expand her supply and added more unique pieces.

Of course, her shop was closed on her due date. She waited for the first signs of labor before going to the hospital. She had asked Derick to drive her and when she felt her first contraction, she called him. He hurried over, finding her doubling over in pain. He whisked her down into the taxi and waited with her at the hospital.

The waiting period was over and the baby they had both been waiting for was born. Soledad Loyola caused quite a stir in the hospital. After all, alien babies are a rare sight. The nurses and doctors fawned over the baby and mother. Normally, Teresita would be resistant to such attention but this was a special occasion. She knew Soledad was something special.

Teresita had a few days off of work, so she continued to run the business. But she was caught off guard one day, as she went down the elevator. It shook and before she knew it, it was plummeting to the ground. She was shaken but thankfully, not hurt. It was a scary situation and she hoped it would never happen again.

Soledad turned into a young beauty. She had much of Teresita's attributes, including her brown hair. But her aqua-esque skin and lilac eyes made her ewven more exotic. Early on, Soledad showed her personality. She was a sweet little girl and much like her mother. Her adorable attitude made it so hard for Teresita to return to working full-time but she knew she had to if she wanted to make life comfortable for her little cosmic baby.

She was sure to be there for all the firsts, though. She helped her daughter with walking, talking and pottytraining. As befit an alien, Soledad seemed to be a natural when it came to learning new things. She still hadn't mastered the potty but she was awfully close.
Saito - Conquest
Life was good for Yuzuki and Rokurou. They knew they were getting closer to the end but they never let it affect them. They were prepared for it, so why be so sullen? It was okay. They had a nice life. They had each other, of course. Their love was as strong as the day they met. Their son was happy and had a successful career. Their grandson was also well on his way to a good life. Dying now would be fine with them.
Hayate took a break from his studies to get to know some of the young ladies of New Lanshire. He made a friend when he approached a little girl walking down the street. He was sitting in the yard, doing his homework when she came by. They had some common interests but Hayate was still a bit unsure of how he felt about her. Girls were a strange breed.
They never understood why he was always painting. It was messy and boring! But Hayate didn't think so. He enjoyed it. He loved making works of art to decorate the house with. His grandmother adored his floral paintings and they did earn the family money sometimes. Girls were just too immature to understand.
Hayate knew his father didn't understand either but he never complained. It kept Hayate busy while he worked, so he didn't get too upset that his father made little to no time for him. He would hug Ryouichi when he came home and go back to painting, giving Ryouichi time to bring in one of his girlfriends.
His latest conquest was the mail woman. He had come to find her odd beauty charming. The way her uniform hugged her body was nice and her blonde hair was a refreshing oddity, given his usual view of red hair next to him in bed. He chatted her up whenever she dropped off the bills and sometimes gave her a rose while she gave him the mail. She was clearly surprised and flattered.
She was a nice woman but she stayed around too much. Most of the women he was with left right after the night of passion but Dagmar did not. She stuck around, letting herself be seen by the other members of the household. As hot as she was, Ryouichi would have to sit her down and break the rules to her.
Hayate grew up to become a money-minded young man. He wanted to be successful and have a decent life, in comparison to his father. Women were nice but not to be treated so loosely. No. He'd find himself a nice young woman to share his wealth with.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Collins - Growing Bonds
He wasn't expecting her to say yes. He wasn't expecting her to even stay long enough to hear him out. But Eumelia was full of surprises. That was one of the reasons he loved her. He just knew he had to make her his. Derek invited her over one late night, taking her by surprise. He knew she had some hesitation in her eyes but ultimately, she agreed. Their wedding would be small but it would be the best day of his life. Until that day, though, Eumelia would stay with her sister and nephew.
Tyreek was happy for his father. He didn't understand why his father didn't date after his mother had passed away. It had been a long time. It was okay to move on. Tyreek had heard only good things of Eumelia and as long as she made his father happy, Tyreek would approve of their union.
Of course, this left him with something else to think about. No doubt, his father and new stepmother would have children. The house would be quite crowded when he came back from college, wouldn't it? Would he have to move out on his own instead of returning home?
But he had options. His father would give him enough money to get a bachelor pad, of course. But if he took Melitta up on her offer, he wouldn't need it. Tyreek hadn't made many friends in New Lanshire, much less ones of the female persuasion but Melitta was someone he could relate to. She was low-key and calm. The two became best friends and Melitta offered Tyreek a place to stay after college. She had dreams of owning her own resturaunt but knew she'd need help. So in exchange for helping her out, she'd give him a place to stay. It was an enticing offer.
Tyreek couldn't deny it. He had feelings for Melitta. He and her weren't offically dating just yet but the connection was clear. Living with her would be simply perfect.
The household claimed another new member when Jerald proposed to his girlfriend, Claire. Jerald loved flirting with younger girls but he wasn't as young as he was. He knew it was important to have one person to live his days out with and his first wife, unfortunately, didn't fufill that need. So Claire would be the one for him.
The new member of the Collins home was quick to get to know Tyreek and Derick. Tyreek didn't mind his new stepgrandmother. She was nice enough. But Derick was a bit more reluctant to accept her. "I know Father loves you but...I guess I just miss Mom..."
"I know it will be hard to accept me, Derick but...we can at least try, right?"
"I suppose."

Jerald was happy as could be, though. They were only engaged but it felt as though they had been married for years. Claire was perfect for him and he was glad to have met her. Claire was happy as well. She had spent many years setting up other couples. It was due time for herself to find true love.
Tyreek had used his good grades to enter the prestigious private academy in town. He had some time before college and wanted to get more scholarships. He didn't think he was working too hard. He did find time to relax, after all. Each morning before school, he played with the ants in his ant farm. That was completely relaxing, right?
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Holt - Advancement
Life continued normally for the Holt clan. Though their lives were often busy, they made time to at least eat together. Eumelia said eating together was enough to form deep bonds. Karl enjoyed it. He rarely got to see his uncle during the day, his aunt was constantly cleaning and his mother was often too busy with her boyfriends. It was nice, having dinner together. It was nice.
Owen loved being with his nephew but there was much work to do. What good was he to Karl if he couldn't bring in a decent paycheque? He wanted to get a promotion, so he could give the small boy all the things he had as a child. If he had to sacrifice bonding time, so be it. It was for the greater good.
Eumelia understood his reasoning. But there were was to do his job and still be active in Karl's life. Wanting to get in shape herself, Eumelia worked out in the living room. Through her pants and groans, she carried on a conversation with Karl as he painted in the next room. His art was getting better and better each day, as he developed a love for it from his friend Hayate. Eumelia wanted to nuture his love for it. It would bring him happiness and wealth someday.
But his drive was less than desirable sometimes. Karl had a hard time getting up for school in the mornings. His mother was not a good example, sleeping in well until noon. Eumelia often had to shake them both awake. Both had awful tempers about it too.
Karl only enjoyed school because Hayate was there. Karl hadn't made many friends since moving to New Lanshire, aside from Hayate. The two were best friends and Hayate was always coming over. Eumelia didn't mind his visits. He was a sweet boy. But his father often came with him and she often found her tongue his own.
Eumelia hadn't made many friends either. But she too had a close friend. Teresita Loyola was a rather kind woman who Eumelia had befriended after seeing her taking a walk. Recently, Teresita had stopped coming by to visit and Eumelia grew concerned. Teresita was a naturally quiet person but she at least called or emailed Eumelia a few times a week. So Eumelia finally called her friend and asked her to come over, to make sure she was okay. She was quite surprised by what she saw.
She was shocked when Teresita told her she was pregnant. "Who is the father?" She asked curiously. Teresita hadn't mentioned any men in her life. The mother-to-be searched for her words, as Eumelia rubbed her belly happily.
"That's where it gets a bit weird..."
Eumelia was shocked, no doubt. She told Lorelle about it but she brushed it off as nonsense. What did she care about a magic baby? She had better things to do, like slowly corrupting the male species. Her sweet words and sizzling touch was enough to turn rowdy frat boys into bumbling dorks.
Sometimes, they even rewarded her art. Quite a few times, her dates left more than a letter or roses. One even left a pinball machine. She wasn't QUITE sure how he got it to her house but she didn't care. SHE HAD A PINBALL MACHINE!
Pinball machines were nice but Owen was beginning to feel the pressure of being surrounded by two women and a child. Sure, he wanted to have kids someday but the house was so suffocating and everything was on his shoulders. How long would he have to stay here?
He wanted to make a life with Marylena. He even went out with his extra cash and bought a beautiful engagement ring. He had planned on engaging to her at a beautiful resturant but Lorelle had so graciously taken all the money and blew it on a new computer. But Marylena still accepted. The marriage was far off, though. Owen told her he had to make sure the girls would be fine without him first.
Eumelia was happy for her brother. He deserved happiness. But Lorelle was less than pleased. "What do you mean I have to get a job!?"
"Owen needs to move out and build a life with Marylena. Obviously, one of us needs to make the money now. Now, we all know I'm more of the domestic one so that leaves you."
"Do you want us out on the street, Lorelle?"
So Lorelle finally bunkered down and got a job as a golf caddy. She didn't enjoy it. She had to wake up early. Like, really early. Oh, she tried to sleep in. She never bought an alarm clock. But she assumed Eumelia made a deal with Karl, as each morning he'd come into her room and wake her up by playing on her computer.
With his sister getting a job and earning money of her own, Owen felt a bit better about leaving them behind. So he packed up his personal belongings and left the rest to be sold to help them. "I'll call you girls once I'm in my new place, alright?" He told them before getting inside the taxi.
Karl missed his uncle. He was the only male influence he had. But his mom bought him a new toy chest to keep him occupied. Aunt Eumelia had agreed to its purchase but that was before she realized what a mess he'd make by not putting the toys back.
Like she was one to talk. She was making a mess of her own. She could not decide who to love. Karl knew this. He often saw her making out with Hayate's father but on a few occasions, she was doing the same with Mr. Collins. Eumelia's heart was so confused. Derick was the type of man one married. Ryouichi was the type of man one WISHED one could marry.
Lorelle was confused as well. Eumelia had no idea, of course, that she was also seeing Ryouichi but one day, she swore she saw her kissing Derick's father. Talk about gross!
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