Despite being pregnant, Teresita didn't slow down much. She still had to take care of the house, after all. There was no way she could hire a maid. Money was tight now that she could not work. So she was left doing the chores in between resting and waiting for her due date. Luckily, she rarely made a mess so there wasn't much to be cleaned. It usually just took a quick wipedown to keep the house from getting too dusty.

The bakery wasn't doing too good but Teresita didn't want to give up on her dream of running a business. So she changed direction. Instead of selling food, she sold knicknacks. The small trinkets were a hit. She got more customers coming in and some even became regulars. Before long, she was able to expand her supply and added more unique pieces.

Of course, her shop was closed on her due date. She waited for the first signs of labor before going to the hospital. She had asked Derick to drive her and when she felt her first contraction, she called him. He hurried over, finding her doubling over in pain. He whisked her down into the taxi and waited with her at the hospital.

The waiting period was over and the baby they had both been waiting for was born. Soledad Loyola caused quite a stir in the hospital. After all, alien babies are a rare sight. The nurses and doctors fawned over the baby and mother. Normally, Teresita would be resistant to such attention but this was a special occasion. She knew Soledad was something special.

Teresita had a few days off of work, so she continued to run the business. But she was caught off guard one day, as she went down the elevator. It shook and before she knew it, it was plummeting to the ground. She was shaken but thankfully, not hurt. It was a scary situation and she hoped it would never happen again.

Soledad turned into a young beauty. She had much of Teresita's attributes, including her brown hair. But her aqua-esque skin and lilac eyes made her ewven more exotic. Early on, Soledad showed her personality. She was a sweet little girl and much like her mother. Her adorable attitude made it so hard for Teresita to return to working full-time but she knew she had to if she wanted to make life comfortable for her little cosmic baby.

She was sure to be there for all the firsts, though. She helped her daughter with walking, talking and pottytraining. As befit an alien, Soledad seemed to be a natural when it came to learning new things. She still hadn't mastered the potty but she was awfully close.
I love the little cows and pigs Teresita is selling in her shop. And Soledad is gorgeous - she's going to be a real beauty!