Saturday, March 7, 2009

Loyola - Other Worldly

Life went as it always did. Despite being quite ill, Loyola continued to work. She had to, after all. It was just her and she had bills to pay. Though she was urged to take some time off to rest up, she couldn't. She didn't want to fall too behind and she was so close to a promotion. Soon, these bills would be no problem and she would be able to take off work. But for now, she had to grit her teeth and bare through it.

But her illness was very draining. She always felt so tired. She would be forced to crawl into bed early into the night. Still, sleep was the best medicine for her. A few days later, she felt normal. She supposed all the sleep helped nurse her body back to health. For that, she was grateful.

She began taking up stargazing again. It was a calm, peaceful activity. She'd spend hours on the roof, finding constellations and looking at planets. While she was watching the stars, someone was watching her. She hadn't seen them until they struck. Suddenly, she was covered in a blue light. She looked up, blinded by the brightness. In moments, she was being lifted off her feet and then everything got dark.

Next thing she knew, she was being hurled to the ground. She landed surprisingly safely. She just skid her knees. She rose to her feet and rubbed her lower back in pain. Then she looked around. There, hovering behind her...was it? No, it couldn't be. ...Right?

She thought nothing of it until the signs came. So it was! Aliens! Aliens had abducted her and impregnated her! At first, she was happy. She had always had a fascination with aliens. She also wanted children someday but knew that it was unlikely, due to her inability to attract the opposite sex. But then reality set in. Would anyone actually believe her if she told them what happened?

She was sure, though, when she was carrying a green baby that they would. The proof was in the pudding, after all. Teresita felt a change come over her. She used her saved earnings to renovate the flat, adding a nursery to accommodate the future baby. She couldn't wait to be a mother.

Derick was one of the first people she told about it. He believed her, of course. He knew there were aliens out there and he was as excited as she was. "An alien child?! How glorious!" He exclaimed and insisted upon taking Teresita out to dinner to celebrate. She knew she could trust him with this information. Derick was a kind man, he truly was.

She wondered, how would he react if she asked him to be the father to her otherworldly offspring? Teresita wasn't sure if she could be a single mother. Derick had experience raising children. Surely, he could help her. She kept her thoughts to herself, though. As sweet as he was to her, she knew his heart belonged to Eumelia Holt. That woman didn't deserve him though.

Derick was too good a man to be wasted on someone who didn't even want him.


  1. Aw, Derick should forget about Eumelia! Let Ryouichi have her!

  2. I love Teresita's ruffly shirt! It is fabulous. ;) Oh boy, alien babies! Yay! She's right to let Derick go. She's definitely a better person than my Jun Yu, hahaha.
