Not many men would be happy about living with their parents, but Ryouichi was. His parents weren't like most. They weren't overbearing or stuck up. They accepted him and his "flaws". They understood that he was to be a free bird, unable to be held down...unlike his ex-wife. No, she thought she could change him. She thought she could turn him into a loyal, loving husband and father. She was wrong and after having enough, she left Ryouichi to take care of their son, Hayate. Luckily, the moment she left, Rokurou and Yuzuki were planning on moving to a new town and invited their son and grandson to live with them. With Hayate being watched over by his parents, Ryouichi now has time to do what he loves: flirt.
Ryouichi had always gotten along well with his parents. He'd been able to talk to them about anything. So it was no trouble striking up a conversation with his father once they had moved in. His son, however, was less social. Yuzuki tried to cuddle Hayate, wanting to soothe him since he seemed so against the move but he just shoved her. He didn't like physical connection, much.
But Yuzuki knew this, so she tried a different approach. She was more subtle, sitting beside Hayate and asking him about his book. He was less threatened in that way, but still quite shy. He would mumble his answers. Still, at least he was answering at all.

Hayate loved reading but painting was also a love of his. He was only able to draw stick figures and strange looking unicorns but it was a relaxing activity. Still, he wondered if there was something else he was good at. He wondered if there was an activity that was made for him...
While Ryouichi bunkered down and found himself a job as a dishwasher, his father was wasting what little money they had. His father had some sort of midlife crisis and felt the need to befriend as many people as he could, right down to the paper girl. She was a bit scared by this strange old man giving her money but is money.
Ryouichi distracted himself from his father's frivolous ways in the best way he knew how. He chatted up one of his next door neighbor, Eumelia Holt, when she came by to welcome the family to the neighborhood. She was a beautiful woman. He could just imagine her long red hair entangled in his fingers, sprawled out against the dark outline of his pillows...
Of course, she wasn't the only woman he was interested in. Quite the contrary, actually. Ryouichi had gotten in touch with many of the ladies in New Lanshire. He had quite the selection. He kept in touch with all of them, of course. The internet was a lothario's best friend.
Ryouichi hadn't thought about having another live-in girlfriend ever again. But it wouldn't hurt. His housekeeping skills left much to be desired. The poor boy couldn't even make a bowl of ramen without almost setting the microwave on fire. His mother was beginning to get tired of cooking for him. Perhaps he'd have to find himself a girlfriend who was handy with a stove?
Yuzuki was beginning to tire of cooking for her son. He needed to learn how to fend for himself. She wasn't going to live forever. So, she tended to make foods that didn't require more than one serving, so he would be forced to cook something himself.
Hayate was beginning to branch out and make friends. They were older than him, however but his wise attitude made it okay. He often spoke as if he were ten years older than he was, which really attractive the teenage girls. He also had a keen eye for style, helping them update their looks. One such girl, Meadow Thayer, was pleased with the new hairstyle he'd given her.
Hayate enjoyed school. He enjoyed it more than most children did. He loved learning and wasn't very disappointed when his first report card was less than great. He didn't care. He knew he was still learning, still growing and that was what was important. His cheerfulness impressed everyone, including the bus driver.
With Hayate at school and Ryouichi at work, the older Saito had little to do. Rokurou would sit down on the couch and read, Yuzuki coming soon after to cuddle up to him. She had been quite tired as of late.
Ryouichi's job kept him away most of the day but he was still an excellent father, in Hayate's eyes. Ryouichi helped him with his homework and read to him when he did have free time. It was the small things that counted, after all.
He didn't at all mind when his father wandered off to call Eumelia. She was a nice, pretty woman, after all. His father really seemed to like her. Hayate wasn't that selfish to interrupt him like that.
It was rude to interrupt, anyways.
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